The Thyroid Secret 9-part Docuseries starts March 1, 2017
20/02/17 20:34
The Thyroid Secret 9-part Docuseries starts March 1, 2017
If you or a loved one is dealing with thyroid issues or suspect one, hypo, hyper, auto-immune (Hashimoto or Grave's) you must watch this free 9 part docuseries.
It is full of practical information regarding symptoms, proper lab tests, potential triggers from foods to infections as well as stress and environmental factors, treatments options and a lot more !
Check the schedule here
Reserve your free access here

If you or a loved one is dealing with thyroid issues or suspect one, hypo, hyper, auto-immune (Hashimoto or Grave's) you must watch this free 9 part docuseries.
It is full of practical information regarding symptoms, proper lab tests, potential triggers from foods to infections as well as stress and environmental factors, treatments options and a lot more !
Check the schedule here
Reserve your free access here