October 2016
BETRAYAL - The Series is Launching November 14th - Autoimmunity is the core cause for ALL disease
30/10/16 02:37
I’ve watched the 1st run and there are some good information especially for someone not familiar with the mechanism of autoimmune conditions.
Free screening of our 7-part documentary series, Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You.
This exclusive event starts on November 14th at 6:00pm PST and 9:00pm EST, US Time.
Each episode will air for 24 hours, and then the episode will be taken down to make room for the next, so be sure mark your calendar each night so you don’t miss a single episode.
Here’s each of the breath-taking episodes you’ll have the opportunity to watch each evening:
• Episode 1- The Autoimmune Epidemic: Root Causes and Solutions
• Episode 2- Intestinal Permeability: The Gateway to Autoimmunity
• Episode 3- The Microbiome: Where Health and Disease Begin and End
• Episode 4- Autoimmune Diseases of the Gut: The Role of Food and Digestion
• Episode 5- Environmental Toxins: The Hidden Drivers of Disease
• Episode 6- Autoimmune Diseases of the Brain: A New Approach to Neurology
• Episode 7- Case Studies: Bringing it All Together
Take the opportunity right now to share this free resource with your friends and family, so they can experience this transformation with you.
And to wet your appetite, here’s the scoop on the ground-breaking, life-saving information we’ve captured. Dr O'Bryan is going to take you on an epic journey across the country, and around the world in pursuit to the autoimmune disease solution they're not telling you. As you travel through the US from coast to coast, and over to England, Spain, Germany and Portugal you're going to discover the true solutions that you haven't been told by the medical professionals you may have been consulting.
In Betrayal, you'll travel with Dr O'Bryan as he interviews world leading doctors, scientists, researchers and patients who have reversed their conditions, so you can start implementing this life-saving information today.
Dr O'Bryan assesses the onslaught of a broad spectrum of life-destroying autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, psoriasis, alzheimer's, thyroid disease including hashimoto's and graves' and reveals the shocking common link between all of these diseases, including the entire autoimmune disease categorization, and then reveals a solution that will leave you speechless.
He teams together with renowned film/documentary director and producer, Jonathan Otto who has dedicated his life to 'telling the truth' through film, harnessing the power of the personal story, as he has uncovered vital subjects, such as cancer, thyroid disease, as well as humanitarian causes.
Dr Tom and Jonathan join hands together to go after a villain that is crippling the lives of over 70 million americans, costing over 100 billion dollars each year nationally, and is ravaging the lives hundreds of millions of people worldwide as it destroys families physically and financially.
Mark your calendar for November the 14th, and be sure to share this resource with your family and friends by sending them to:
To your health and happiness,
Dr Tom O’Bryan and the Betrayal Team
Why do most people not know that Autoimmunity can be arrested and often reversed? |
Free screening of our 7-part documentary series, Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You.
This exclusive event starts on November 14th at 6:00pm PST and 9:00pm EST, US Time.
Each episode will air for 24 hours, and then the episode will be taken down to make room for the next, so be sure mark your calendar each night so you don’t miss a single episode.
Here’s each of the breath-taking episodes you’ll have the opportunity to watch each evening:
• Episode 1- The Autoimmune Epidemic: Root Causes and Solutions
• Episode 2- Intestinal Permeability: The Gateway to Autoimmunity
• Episode 3- The Microbiome: Where Health and Disease Begin and End
• Episode 4- Autoimmune Diseases of the Gut: The Role of Food and Digestion
• Episode 5- Environmental Toxins: The Hidden Drivers of Disease
• Episode 6- Autoimmune Diseases of the Brain: A New Approach to Neurology
• Episode 7- Case Studies: Bringing it All Together
Take the opportunity right now to share this free resource with your friends and family, so they can experience this transformation with you.
And to wet your appetite, here’s the scoop on the ground-breaking, life-saving information we’ve captured. Dr O'Bryan is going to take you on an epic journey across the country, and around the world in pursuit to the autoimmune disease solution they're not telling you. As you travel through the US from coast to coast, and over to England, Spain, Germany and Portugal you're going to discover the true solutions that you haven't been told by the medical professionals you may have been consulting.
In Betrayal, you'll travel with Dr O'Bryan as he interviews world leading doctors, scientists, researchers and patients who have reversed their conditions, so you can start implementing this life-saving information today.
Dr O'Bryan assesses the onslaught of a broad spectrum of life-destroying autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, psoriasis, alzheimer's, thyroid disease including hashimoto's and graves' and reveals the shocking common link between all of these diseases, including the entire autoimmune disease categorization, and then reveals a solution that will leave you speechless.
He teams together with renowned film/documentary director and producer, Jonathan Otto who has dedicated his life to 'telling the truth' through film, harnessing the power of the personal story, as he has uncovered vital subjects, such as cancer, thyroid disease, as well as humanitarian causes.
Dr Tom and Jonathan join hands together to go after a villain that is crippling the lives of over 70 million americans, costing over 100 billion dollars each year nationally, and is ravaging the lives hundreds of millions of people worldwide as it destroys families physically and financially.
Mark your calendar for November the 14th, and be sure to share this resource with your family and friends by sending them to:
To your health and happiness,
Dr Tom O’Bryan and the Betrayal Team
Glyphosate Harvest: Monsanto’s Toxic RoundUp Sprayed on Crops RIGHT BEFORE Harvest
23/10/16 18:59
RoundUp sprayed on crops just before harvest is what is causing the epidemic of leaky gut, gut dysbiosis and gluten intolerance. If you don't eat organic you are eating food contaminated with RoundUp !
Glyphosate Harvest: Monsanto’s Toxic RoundUp Sprayed on Crops RIGHT BEFORE Harvest
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is recognized as the world’s most widely used weed killer. What is not so well known is that farmers also use glyphosate on crops such as wheat, oats, edible beans and other crops right before harvest, raising concerns that the herbicide could get into food products.
Escalating Use of Probable Carcinogen
Glyphosate has come under increased scrutiny in the past year. Last year the World Health Organization’s cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified it as a probable carcinogen. The state of California has also moved to classify the herbicide as a probable carcinogen. A growing body of research is documenting health concerns of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.
It’s pervasiveness is been becoming clear as it has been found in air, water and people. Glyphosate was detected in urine samples, and U.S. women had maximum glyphosate levels that were more than eight times higher than levels found in urine of Europeans. The chemical has also been suspected to be responsible for the bee colony collapse epidemic. The FDA has finally been forced to start publicizing research on the effects of glyphosate on bees due to pressure from independent researcher’s discoveries of glyphosate in all honey.
A recently published paper describes the escalating use of glyphosate: 18.9 billion pounds have been used globally since its introduction in 1974, making it the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture. Significantly, 74 percent of all glyphosate sprayed on crops since the mid-1970s was applied in just the last 10 years, as cultivation of GMO corn and soybeans expanded in the U.S. and globally.
Glyphosate Used to Speed Up Wheat Harvest
Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., who published the paper on the mounting use of glyphosate, says the practice of spraying glyphosate on wheat prior to harvest, known as desiccating, began in Scotland in the 1980s.
“Farmers there often had trouble getting wheat and barley to dry evenly so they can start harvesting. So they came up with the idea to kill the crop (with glyphosate) one to two weeks before harvest to accelerate the drying down of the grain,” he said.
The pre-harvest use of glyphosate allows farmers to harvest crops as much as two weeks earlier than they normally would, an advantage in northern, colder regions.
The practice spread to wheat-growing areas of North America such as the upper Midwestern U.S. and Canadian provinces such as Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
“Desiccation is done primarily in years where conditions are wet and the crop is slow to dry down,” Joel Ransom, an agronomist at North Dakota State University, said.
Ransom says desiccating wheat with glyphosate has been a useful tool for farmers.
“It does help hasten dry down and controls grain weeds and other material that slows down the threshing practice,” he said. “It has an important role in areas where it’s wet.”
Ransom says the practice has increased in North Dakota, which is the leading wheat-producing state in the U.S., over the past 15 years due to wetter weather.
While more common in Upper Midwestern states where there is more moisture, desiccation is less likely to be done in drier wheat growing areas of Kansas, Oklahoma, Washington and Oregon.
All Conventional Farmers in Saskatchewan Desiccate Wheat
According to a wheat farmer in Saskatchewan, desiccating wheat with glyphosate is commonplace in his region. “I think every non-organic farmer in Saskatchewan uses glyphosate on most of their wheat acres every year,” the farmer speaking on condition of anonymity said.
He has concerns about the practice. “I think farmers need to realize that all of the chemicals we use are ‘bad’ to some extent,” he said. “Monsanto has done such an effective job marketing glyphosate as ‘safe’ and ‘biodegradable’ that farmers here still believe this even though such claims are false.”
The vast majority of farmers in Manitoba, Canada’s third largest wheat producing province, also use glyphosate on wheat, said Gerald Wiebe, a farmer and agricultural consultant. “I would estimate that 90 to 95 percent of wheat acres in Manitoba are sprayed pre-harvest with glyphosate; the exception would be in dry areas of the province where moisture levels at harvest time are not an issue,” he said.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy
According to Tom Ehrhardt, co-owner of Minnesota-based Albert Lea Seeds, sourcing grains not desiccated with glyphosate prior to harvest is a challenge.
“I have talked with millers of conventionally produced grain and they all agree it’s very difficult to source oats, wheat, flax and triticale, which have not been sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest,” he said. “It’s a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell policy’ in the industry.”
Ehrhardt also says that crops grown to produce seed are not usually sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest because this can damage seed germination.
Grain Millers, which has grain processing facilities in the U.S. and Canada, announced last year that it would not buy oats from Canada that had been desiccated with glyphosate. The company’s Canadian procurement manager, Terry Tyson, told Western Producer that glyphosate disrupts the natural maturing process and starch development, resulting in lower quality flakes and flour. He said the decision had nothing to do with health or safety concerns.
“Would Rather Not Eat a Loaf of Bread With Glyphosate In It”
Still, there are obvious concerns about glyphosate getting into food products.
“We are told these (glyphosate residues) are too small to matter but can we believe that?” the Saskatchewan farmer asked. “I think everyone, even farmers that use and love glyphosate, would rather not eat a loaf of bread with glyphosate in it.”
Wiebe shares similar concerns. “Consumers don’t realize when they buy wheat products like flour, cookies and bread they are getting glyphosate residues in those products,” he said. “It’s barbaric to put glyphosate in food a few days before you harvest it.”
Wiebe believes the use of glyphosate on wheat may be connected to the rise in celiac disease. “We’ve seen an explosion of gluten intolerance,” he said. “What’s really going on?”
“Can you imagine the public’s response if they knew that glyphosate is being sprayed on the oats in their Cheerios only weeks before it is manufactured?” Ehrhardt asked.
Residues of glyphosate have been found in wheat flour. Last year, Ransom reported to the U.S. Wheat Quality Council that tests on flour samples from the U.S. and Canada found that all had traces of glyphosate. However, Ransom said these were well below the maximum residue limits for glyphosate in wheat, which are 30 parts per million in the U.S.
Still, Ransom said: “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone repeated the test and found traces also.”
In response to mounting concerns over the escalating use of glyphosate, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently said it would begin testing foods for glyphosate residues. But that promise has been dodged by the EPA.
Powerful Effect on Food System
There are no statistics kept on the number of acres of wheat or other crops that are desiccated with glyphosate, according to Ransom.
While the pre-harvest use of glyphosate may account for a small amount of overall use of the herbicide, Benbrook says this still has a huge impact:
“It may be two percent of agriculture use, but well over 50 percent of dietary exposure.
“I don’t understand why Monsanto and the food industry don’t voluntarily end this practice. They know it contributes to high dietary exposure (of glyphosate).”
Wiebe sees the situation in dire terms.
“The most tragic thing is that industry is encouraging the use of glyphosate on wheat, farmers are using it, consumers are unaware of it and it’s having a powerful effect on the food system,”
Glyphosate Harvest: Monsanto’s Toxic RoundUp Sprayed on Crops RIGHT BEFORE Harvest

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is recognized as the world’s most widely used weed killer. What is not so well known is that farmers also use glyphosate on crops such as wheat, oats, edible beans and other crops right before harvest, raising concerns that the herbicide could get into food products.
Escalating Use of Probable Carcinogen
Glyphosate has come under increased scrutiny in the past year. Last year the World Health Organization’s cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified it as a probable carcinogen. The state of California has also moved to classify the herbicide as a probable carcinogen. A growing body of research is documenting health concerns of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.
It’s pervasiveness is been becoming clear as it has been found in air, water and people. Glyphosate was detected in urine samples, and U.S. women had maximum glyphosate levels that were more than eight times higher than levels found in urine of Europeans. The chemical has also been suspected to be responsible for the bee colony collapse epidemic. The FDA has finally been forced to start publicizing research on the effects of glyphosate on bees due to pressure from independent researcher’s discoveries of glyphosate in all honey.
A recently published paper describes the escalating use of glyphosate: 18.9 billion pounds have been used globally since its introduction in 1974, making it the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture. Significantly, 74 percent of all glyphosate sprayed on crops since the mid-1970s was applied in just the last 10 years, as cultivation of GMO corn and soybeans expanded in the U.S. and globally.
Glyphosate Used to Speed Up Wheat Harvest
Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., who published the paper on the mounting use of glyphosate, says the practice of spraying glyphosate on wheat prior to harvest, known as desiccating, began in Scotland in the 1980s.
“Farmers there often had trouble getting wheat and barley to dry evenly so they can start harvesting. So they came up with the idea to kill the crop (with glyphosate) one to two weeks before harvest to accelerate the drying down of the grain,” he said.
The pre-harvest use of glyphosate allows farmers to harvest crops as much as two weeks earlier than they normally would, an advantage in northern, colder regions.
The practice spread to wheat-growing areas of North America such as the upper Midwestern U.S. and Canadian provinces such as Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
“Desiccation is done primarily in years where conditions are wet and the crop is slow to dry down,” Joel Ransom, an agronomist at North Dakota State University, said.
Ransom says desiccating wheat with glyphosate has been a useful tool for farmers.
“It does help hasten dry down and controls grain weeds and other material that slows down the threshing practice,” he said. “It has an important role in areas where it’s wet.”
Ransom says the practice has increased in North Dakota, which is the leading wheat-producing state in the U.S., over the past 15 years due to wetter weather.
While more common in Upper Midwestern states where there is more moisture, desiccation is less likely to be done in drier wheat growing areas of Kansas, Oklahoma, Washington and Oregon.
All Conventional Farmers in Saskatchewan Desiccate Wheat
According to a wheat farmer in Saskatchewan, desiccating wheat with glyphosate is commonplace in his region. “I think every non-organic farmer in Saskatchewan uses glyphosate on most of their wheat acres every year,” the farmer speaking on condition of anonymity said.
He has concerns about the practice. “I think farmers need to realize that all of the chemicals we use are ‘bad’ to some extent,” he said. “Monsanto has done such an effective job marketing glyphosate as ‘safe’ and ‘biodegradable’ that farmers here still believe this even though such claims are false.”
The vast majority of farmers in Manitoba, Canada’s third largest wheat producing province, also use glyphosate on wheat, said Gerald Wiebe, a farmer and agricultural consultant. “I would estimate that 90 to 95 percent of wheat acres in Manitoba are sprayed pre-harvest with glyphosate; the exception would be in dry areas of the province where moisture levels at harvest time are not an issue,” he said.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy
According to Tom Ehrhardt, co-owner of Minnesota-based Albert Lea Seeds, sourcing grains not desiccated with glyphosate prior to harvest is a challenge.
“I have talked with millers of conventionally produced grain and they all agree it’s very difficult to source oats, wheat, flax and triticale, which have not been sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest,” he said. “It’s a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell policy’ in the industry.”
Ehrhardt also says that crops grown to produce seed are not usually sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest because this can damage seed germination.
Grain Millers, which has grain processing facilities in the U.S. and Canada, announced last year that it would not buy oats from Canada that had been desiccated with glyphosate. The company’s Canadian procurement manager, Terry Tyson, told Western Producer that glyphosate disrupts the natural maturing process and starch development, resulting in lower quality flakes and flour. He said the decision had nothing to do with health or safety concerns.
“Would Rather Not Eat a Loaf of Bread With Glyphosate In It”
Still, there are obvious concerns about glyphosate getting into food products.
“We are told these (glyphosate residues) are too small to matter but can we believe that?” the Saskatchewan farmer asked. “I think everyone, even farmers that use and love glyphosate, would rather not eat a loaf of bread with glyphosate in it.”
Wiebe shares similar concerns. “Consumers don’t realize when they buy wheat products like flour, cookies and bread they are getting glyphosate residues in those products,” he said. “It’s barbaric to put glyphosate in food a few days before you harvest it.”
Wiebe believes the use of glyphosate on wheat may be connected to the rise in celiac disease. “We’ve seen an explosion of gluten intolerance,” he said. “What’s really going on?”
“Can you imagine the public’s response if they knew that glyphosate is being sprayed on the oats in their Cheerios only weeks before it is manufactured?” Ehrhardt asked.
Residues of glyphosate have been found in wheat flour. Last year, Ransom reported to the U.S. Wheat Quality Council that tests on flour samples from the U.S. and Canada found that all had traces of glyphosate. However, Ransom said these were well below the maximum residue limits for glyphosate in wheat, which are 30 parts per million in the U.S.
Still, Ransom said: “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone repeated the test and found traces also.”
In response to mounting concerns over the escalating use of glyphosate, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently said it would begin testing foods for glyphosate residues. But that promise has been dodged by the EPA.
Powerful Effect on Food System
- Monsanto recommends spraying for not only wheat and oats. Glyphosate is used to desiccate a wide range of other crops including:
- Peas
- Lentils
- Non-GMO soybeans
- Corn
- Flax
- Rye
- Triticale
- Buckwheat
- Millet
- Canola
- Sugar beets
- Sugar Cane
- Potatoes.
- Sunflowers may also be treated pre-harvest with glyphosate, according to the National Sunflower Association.
There are no statistics kept on the number of acres of wheat or other crops that are desiccated with glyphosate, according to Ransom.
While the pre-harvest use of glyphosate may account for a small amount of overall use of the herbicide, Benbrook says this still has a huge impact:
“It may be two percent of agriculture use, but well over 50 percent of dietary exposure.
“I don’t understand why Monsanto and the food industry don’t voluntarily end this practice. They know it contributes to high dietary exposure (of glyphosate).”
Wiebe sees the situation in dire terms.
“The most tragic thing is that industry is encouraging the use of glyphosate on wheat, farmers are using it, consumers are unaware of it and it’s having a powerful effect on the food system,”
10 Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate (Roundup)
21/10/16 17:52
True GMO Answers
20/10/16 03:00
There is No Consensus that GM Food is Safe to Eat—or Safe for the Environment
GM Corrupts Our DNA Code
GE Food is Not Nutritionally Equivalent, but the FDA Is Allowing It Anyway
Genetic Engineering of Transgenic Creatures is Animal Abuse
GMOs Spread to Related Crops, including Organic
Outcomes of Genetic Engineering Are Not Predictable
Genetic Modification is Not the Same As What People Have Been Doing for Thousands of Years
Independent Studies Reveal Safety Issues with GM
GM Promotes Monoculture
Golden Rice Is a Sham GMO Invention
GM Corrupts Our DNA Code
GE Food is Not Nutritionally Equivalent, but the FDA Is Allowing It Anyway
Genetic Engineering of Transgenic Creatures is Animal Abuse
GMOs Spread to Related Crops, including Organic
Outcomes of Genetic Engineering Are Not Predictable
Genetic Modification is Not the Same As What People Have Been Doing for Thousands of Years
Independent Studies Reveal Safety Issues with GM
GM Promotes Monoculture
Golden Rice Is a Sham GMO Invention
What are Chemtrails and How Are They Harming Our Food and Water? By Ty Bollinger
05/10/16 01:53
In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad’ Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop “chemtrail” technology !
Bayer-Monsanto: A “Marriage Made in Hell”? By Ty Bollinger
05/10/16 01:37
Monsanto has agreed to be sold to Bayer for $56.5 billion − a deal worth a total of $66 billion when Monsanto’s debt is taken into account. The combined company would be the world’s largest seller of both seeds and agrichemicals.
Monsanto, arguably the most loathed GMO company on the face of the earth, has been the subject of heated discussions for decades, especially in recent days as their top-selling product (RoundUp) contains glyphosate, which has been linked to cancer, autism, and respiratory sickness.
Monsanto has lobbied widely and even filed lawsuits to prohibit labeling of GMO products and bury the World Health Organization’s report listing glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. If Monsanto joins forces with Bayer (one of the most hated Big Pharma companies in the world), the resulting “marriage made in hell” would be a drug-seed-pesticide company that controls almost 1/3 of the world’s seed market and almost ¼ of the pesticide market. Many would argue that this would equate to a monopoly. More on that topic later in the article.

But this would not be the first time Monsanto and Bayer have teamed up. During the Vietnam War, both firms were involved in the development of Agent Orange. And both firms are currently involved in the GMO market today. Speaking of GMOs, I was watching Fox News Channel a couple of days ago and the “expert” being interviewed said that this was necessary in order to feed the world and that GMO foods are the only solution. WRONG!
Apparently said “expert” is unfamiliar with the recent research, specifically the IAASTD Report, which is the most comprehensive report on the future of food and agriculture (sponsored by the World Bank and the UN, written by over 400 scientists and endorsed by 59 countries).
In this report, they did not endorse GMOs as a solution to world hunger. In addition, genetic engineering has not significantly increased U.S. crop yields, according to the USDA and controlled comparative studies. As a matter of fact, many GMOs have lower yields than non-GMO crops. Did I mention that GMO crops have been linked to cancer and have numerous potential health risks?
Let’s look at the sordid history of both of these companies…
A Brief History of BAYER
• Founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
• During World War 1, Bayer turned its attention to the manufacture of chemical weapons including chlorine gas.
• In 1925, Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst merged to form the massive German conglomerate Interessengemeinschaft Farben (IG Farben) which was the single biggest donor to Hitler’s election campaign.
• IG Farben built the concentration camps at Auschwitz to supply slave labor for the nearby IG Farben plant (also known as IG Auschwitz). Hitler eventually used these same camps in his megalomaniacal attempt to exterminate the Jewish race.
• In 1941, Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board member responsible for IG Farben’s Auschwitz project, told his colleagues, “our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the concentration camps to benefit our company.”
• A subsidiary of IG Farben manufactured and supplied Zyklon B to the SS. This poisonous cyanide-based pesticide, on which IG Farben held the patent, was used during the Holocaust to annihilate more than 1,000,000 people in the concentration/extermination camps. IG Farben also supplied the SS with the Methanol used to burn the corpses.
• In 1946, the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal concluded that without IG Farben the Second World War would simply not have been possible.

• At Nuremberg, Fritz Ter Meer (an executive of IG Farben) was convicted of slavery, mass murder, and crimes against humanity. After serving 5 years in prison, he became Chairman of the Board at Bayer in 1956, a position which he held for almost a decade.
• In 1962, just fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst were again the architects of the next major human rights offense when they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
• In the mid-1980s, Bayer was one of the companies which sold a product called Factor VIII concentrate to treat hemophilia. Factor VIII turned out to be infected with HIV. After learning that the product was contaminated, in order to save money, Bayer continued selling this infected product to Asia and Latin America even though a safe product was available. Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, who investigated the scandal, commented, “These are the most incriminating internal pharmaceutical industry documents I have ever seen.”
• In the 1990s, the federal government launched an investigation on Bayer’s unethical billing practices on Medicaid program and the Department of Justice found Bayer guilty of fraud. Bayer had to pay $14 Million to settle charges of causing inflated Medicaid claims.

• Yaz (approved by FDA in 2006) and Yasmin (2001) were revolutionary birth control pills that use a synthetic hormone called drospirenone (DSP). Yaz or Yasmin have led to hundreds of deaths in young and healthy women.
• The drug Trasylol was banned in 2006 after it contributed to thousands of deaths in patients every single month for over a decade. After a 2006 study showed widespread deaths associated with Trasylol, it took FDA and Bayer almost two years to take the drug off of the market. Later on it was revealed that Bayer had buried evidence of Trasylol’s severe side effects.
• In 2008, the German Coalition against Bayer brought a charge against the Bayer Board of Management, with the public prosecutor in Freiburg accusing Bayer of contributing to the mass death of bees all over the world through its aggressive pesticide marketing. Since then, the bee debacle has only grown worse, with thousands of hives collapsing after poisoning by the pesticide clothianidin, producing a worldwide crisis.
Thanks to this website and this website for much of the above information.
MONSANTO’S Poisonous Past
• Monsanto was founded in 1901 in St. Louis, Missouri, by John Francis Queeny, a 30-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. Its first product was the artificial sweetener Saccharin, which Monsanto sold to the Coca-Cola Company.
• In the 1920s, Monsanto Chemical Company was founded and incorporated the town of Monsanto, later renamed Sauget, Illinois. For years, the Monsanto plant in Sauget was the nation’s largest producer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which were banned in the 1970s. PCBs are potent carcinogens and have been implicated in reproductive, developmental and immune system disorders. According to thousands of pages of released Monsanto documents (many of them emblazoned with warnings such as “CONFIDENTIAL: Read and Destroy”), they knew about the PCB dangers from early on, but decided to conceal what they knew. One Monsanto memo explains their justification: “We can’t afford to lose one dollar of business.”
• During World War II, Monsanto played a significant role in the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb.
• In 1944, Monsanto began manufacturing DDT, which was banned in 1972.
• Following World War II, Monsanto championed the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture, and began manufacturing the herbicide 2,4,5-T, which contains dioxin. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military initiated an herbicidal warfare program using Agent Orange (a mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D and had very high concentrations of dioxin) as a defoliant. Monsanto and Dow Chemical were the two largest producers of Agent Orange, which has been linked to cancer and birth defects. According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, plus 500,000 children born with birth defects, leading to calls for Monsanto to be prosecuted for war crimes. Internal Monsanto memos show that Monsanto knew of the problems of dioxin contamination of Agent Orange when it sold it to the U.S. government for use in Vietnam.

• In 1973, Monsanto developed and patented the glyphosate molecule and began manufacturing Roundup. In 2015, the World Health Organization declared glyphosate to be a probable carcinogen. Despite this fact, Roundup is still marketed as “safe.”
• In 1982, Monsanto genetically modified a plant cell for the first time.
• In the mid-1980s, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet. Monsanto was apparently untroubled by aspartame’s clouded past, including a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it “might induce brain tumors.” The aspartame business became a separate Monsanto subsidiary, the NutraSweet Company.
• In the late-1980s and early-1990s, Monsanto spent almost $500,000 to defeat Proposition 65 (California’s anti-toxics initiative which prohibited the discharge of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects into drinking water supplies) and Proposition 128 (California’s pesticide regulation initiative that would have phased out Monsanto’s product alachlor, which is linked to cancer). During the same time period, Monsanto also conducted the first field tests of genetically engineered (GMO) crops.
• In 1991, Monsanto was fined $1.2 million for trying to conceal discharge of contaminated waste water into the Mystic River in Connecticut.
• In the mid-1990s, Monsanto developed their controversial cattle drug, recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST), which is produced through a genetically engineered E. coli bacteria.
• During the same time period, Monsanto was ranked 5th among U.S. corporations in EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory, having discharged 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, land, water and underground. Monsanto was ordered to pay $41.1 million to a waste management company in Texas due to concerns over hazardous waste dumping.
• In 1996, Monsanto introduced “Roundup Ready Soybeans” and “BT Cotton” then in 1998 “Roundup Ready Corn” was introduced.
• By 2007, Monsanto’s GMO seeds accounted for over 90% of the world’s supply.
• In 2010, former Monsanto lobbyist Michael R. Taylor was appointed as Deputy Commissioner of Food Safety at the FDA (the fox is guarding the henhouse).
• Since 2012, Monsanto has spent more than $25 million to fight state ballot initiatives to label GMOs and millions more to lobby Congress against mandatory GMO labeling.
Thanks to this website for much of the above information.
Bayer Monsanto Union: A Dark and Dangerous Threat
The above bullet points about Bayer and Monsanto are merely the tip of the iceberg. I could have written an entire book detailing the unscrupulous activities that these companies have engaged in over the past century. But I think you get the point. This “hidden” history of Bayer and Monsanto indicates that both of these companies have consistently been involved with malevolent endeavors that wreaked havoc on humanity and caused sickness, pain, and death on a massive scale. These companies are like a cancer eating away at the physical fabric of our world.
If these two companies join forces, the dark and dangerous synergy and malignant power will metastasize and be so great that, figuratively speaking, the universe might explode! To use a Lord of the Rings analogy, it would be like Sauron acquiring the One Ring.
Will this merger actually happen? It’s hard to say. Thankfully, there are anti-trust laws in place that will force the entire deal to undergo tremendous scrutiny and lengthy regulatory processes in the USA as well as the EU. “This merger is not a slam dunk,” said Diana Moss, president of the American Antitrust Institute. Also, a legal opinion written by two former Department of Justice officials (Antitrust Division) argues that the merger would violate the Clayton Act and would also be in direct violation of a 2008 court order.

A Bayer-Monsanto merger certainly threatens the world food supply with domination by GMOs and destructive, carcinogenic agrochemicals. Thanks primarily to the anti-GMO and “Millions Against Monsanto” movements, the behemoth biotech bully is on the ropes.
Perhaps Monsanto thinks that if it changes its name, that we will forget its poisonous past. Think again Monsanto.
On October 14-16, Monsanto’s crimes against humanity will be exposed at the Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands.
Remember, all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. We must stick together and help educate our neighbors in order to continue the good fight together… for our children and every future generation to come.
Perhaps it’s time to put Bayer and Big Pharma on trial as well and build an even bigger worldwide unified assembly. Maybe we could call it “Billions Against Big Pharma and Bayer-Monsanto.”
Please share this important news story with friends and family and together let’s all take action to stop this merger.